October 24, 2015

Portal Vein Anatomy 5-7-11

Portal Vein Pressure     5 mmHg
Portal Vein Length       7 cm
Portal Vein Diameter   11 mm

October 23, 2015

October 18, 2015

Complications of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Mnemonic


Atypical mycobacterial infection/ Amyloidosis/ Aspergilloma
Bronchiectasis/ Bronchopleural fistula
Calcification/ Cor pulmonale
Emphysema/ Empyema necessitans

October 13, 2015

Pulmonary Edema X- Ray Findings

A - Alveolar edema (giving it a ground glass appearance)
B - Kerley B lines
C - Cardiomegaly
D - Upper lobe diversion ( increased blood vessels in upper lobe)
E - Enlarged hilar vessels giving a bat- wing appearance

October 7, 2015

Bye med school

Today was my last day of rotations as a med student. The next time I see a patient (except for during exams this January) it won’t be as med student, it’ll be as Doctor. That thought both terrifies and excites me. 
Also, this blog is now almost 4 years old. Yayyy!

July 30, 2015

Horner's Syndrome and other causes of miosis mnemonics

Horner's syndrome- MAPLE

Loss of ciliospinal reflex

Other causes of miosis- POOH

Pontine Hemorrhage
Organophosphate poisoning
Opioid poisoning
Horner's syndrome

Kronig's isthmus and Traube's space

Kronig's Isthmus is a band of resonance representing lung apex. It may also be remembered as the supraclavicular region.
Boundaries: Medially: Scalene
                    Laterally: Acromion process
                    Anteriorly: Clavicle
                    Posteriorly: Trapezius

Impaired dullness: Fibrosis, Upper Lobe Collapse and Mass
Hyperresonant: Emphysema, Hydropneumothorax

Traube's Space boundaries:
Superiorly: 6th rib
Laterally: Mid axillary line
Medially: Left costal margin

Dullness: Splenomegaly, Full stomach, Left Pleural Effusion, Carcinoma involving gastric fundus, Enlarged left lobe of liver, Achalasia cardia

July 27, 2015

Percussion myokymia

In a chronically wasted individual as in pulmonary tuberculosis, a percussion stroke close to sternum on the front of the chest, may cause a transient twitching of the muscle which is more marked on the side of the pulmoary affection.

July 25, 2015

Coin Test

Coin test:
Ask an assistant to put a coin on the anterior chest wall and strike the coin by another coin. Simultaneously auscultate using your stethoscope on the posterior chest wall. If you hear a bell like sound, it's due to pneumothorax.

Youtube video here.

July 24, 2015

A day to learn

I am currently on my medicine rotation and we have a fixed routine. Every morning we have a case discussion by first year residents, then ward rounds and then an evening class where we take a case by rotation. There are many things that I have learnt in these past two weeks and my recent posts have been about what I have gained from these classes and not found in textbooks. It's like my personal way of bookmarking and access it from wherever I want to and you guys can benefit from it too.

Today, instead of the usual history taking and examination we just looked at some findings in different patients, We finally palpated a liver and a spleen and again a liver (but this time by dipping method). It just bounces right back at your fingers. YES!

We also palpated a supraclavicular lymph node. And we saw swan neck deformity. And. And. We saw spider nevi. It's not as big as it looks in the books. It looked like a small red papule.

Today was one of the days where I wanted to see more. Feel more. Know more. Not read. But experience. Aah! I love such days.

Barrel Chest Anatomy/ Features

What are the features of a barrel shaped chest?

AP:Transverse :: 1:1


  • Supraclavicular fossa is prominent
  • Angle of Louis is prominent
  • Cricosternal distance is reduced
  • Obtuse subcostal angle  (due to horizontal placement of ribs)
Posteriorly: Kyphosis


  • Ribs are horizontal
  • Intercostal space widen
  • Intercostal indrawing

July 21, 2015

Med-sources II

Action speaks louder than words!
It takes a great deal to be an expert in anatomy. Tens and hundreds of pictures from all angles given in the book/ atlas can sometimes do nothing. So, here is a one stop website to learn basic anatomy and basic physiology of the respiratory system using animations.

Did you know just like an instagram for doctors, there is an youtube for medicos? And a kinda sorta wikipedia? Well, now you know!

Also, bookmark this. It contains some anatomy, histology and embryology.

This was in my drafts. Saved in November 2011. Posting it now for our new 1st and 2nd year medicos.

SLE Mnemonic


Malar Rash
Discoid Rash
Serositis (Pleuritis and Pericarditis seen as rub and effusion)
Oral Ulcer
Hematological (Hemolytic anemia, Leukopenia <4000/uL, Lymphopenia <1000/uL, Thrombocytopenia <100000/uL)
Renal (Proteinuria >0.5g/day or 3+ in dipstick)
Immunological (Anti ds DNA, Anti Sm Antibodies)
Neurological (Seizures, Psychosis without any other cause)
Arthritis (2 or more peripheral joints)

Additional features:
Raynaud's phenomenon
Jaccoud arthropathy
Livedo reticularis

July 15, 2015

Peripheral signs in Aortic Regurgitation

Start the 17 signs from the hands, go up to the forehead and come down the trunk.

July 11, 2015

Cranial Nerve Nuclei Mnemonic

CeMi Pons Medu
2   2   4       4

Cerebellum   Cranial nerves 1, 2 lie in the cerebellum
Midbrain       CN 3, 4
Pons              CN 5, 6, 7, 8
Medulla        CN 9, 10, 11, 12

I know this wasn't exactly a mnemonic. In case this didn't help you, here's a bonus link: Brainstem Rules of 4 (for the gunners)

Upper Motor Neuron Lesion Mnemonic

In UMN lesion, there is hypertonia. The tone is increased in the extensors of lower limbs and flexors of upper limbs.

LEG: Legs Extensors Greater tone

July 7, 2015

Uremia Symptoms Mnemonic

Nausea/ Vomiting
Weakness/ Fatigue


June 27, 2015

Lessons learnt in med school

After all these long years in med school, there are many things I don't know and am yet to learn. But the glass is half full. I have learnt a few things/lessons and will share a few with you dear reader. 

1. Turn off your smartphone and any other source of internet that you have nearby while studying. Started doing this a week back, and it's the best thing I've done to increase my concentration. If you don't understand something, jot it down and look through the internet during your break. But, don't be tempted to switch on your phone. 

2. As House said, 'Everybody lies'. Yes. Even your best friends. If someone is bragging about not studying at all and being worried about failing the test and yet sharing stories about how they were praised by the professors, be sure they are lying. Don't listen to them. These sorta people just pull you down.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop comparing their progress with yours. Comparison with other people dampens our self worth and strips your confidence. Rather compare yourself to your old self. If you go to bed feeling a sense of accomplishment, then you did good. If you could have been more productive, carry on the following day. You are better than what you were last night. 

4. Most of your peers will be intelligent. Don't be demoralized. Be positive. How think of it is, I am sure I am smarter than someone/ many people too. There must be some people for whom, I am the smart one.

5. Have friends who are smarter than you are. Don't be around them all the time only to get depressed/ demoralised. But staying around them will make you work harder. And remember, everybody lies (read point 2 again).

No matter who tries to teach you lessons about life or anything for that matter, you won't understand it until you go through it on your own.

P.S.                                            YOU IS KIND.

May 11, 2015


Resumed studying after a 2 week hiatus, due to earthquake, with radiology. I read somewhere, there are two types of clinicians- radiologists and those who wish they were radiologists. Isn't it right? Who wouldn't want to sit in those comfy chairs and not listen to patient's stories, both at the same time. Seems like a vacation to me.

Found two very useful sites which may help you for Radiology in your final year.
1. Radiology Masterclass - The tutorials and galleries will give a good foundation knowledge in the art of radiological interpretation.

2. Radiopaedia - A large collection of radiology cases and topics in encyclopedia.